RIO_blend, RIO NERO_blend

RIO_blend, RIO NERO_blend

2009年から変わらぬ定番ブレンド。RIO blend とRIO NERO blendは配合は同じで焙煎度合い違いです。 「ほっこり」をテーマに毎日飲んでも飽きない味作りを心がけています。 ロットや銘柄は毎年のクロップごとに産地変更してますが、心と身体に沁みるような珈琲であり続けたい。 This is our standard blend that has remained unchanged since 2009. RIO blend and RIO NERO blend are made from the same ingredients and roasted at different degrees. With the theme of "wholesome", we try to create a taste that you will never get tired of even if you drink it every day. We change the lot and brand name of the coffee every crop year, but we want to continue to make coffee that is heartwarming to the body and soul.



Brazil_Bourbon 矢印 car_business_normal shipping (155.7km) Brazil_santos
Brazil_santos 矢印 vessel shipping (18603.1km) Yokohama
Yokohama 矢印 car_business_normal shipping (407.1km) Ashiya


Honduras_SanVicente 矢印 car_business_normal shipping (106.4km) Puerto Cortés
Puerto Cortés 矢印 vessel shipping (12434.3km) Yokohama
Yokohama 矢印 car_business_normal shipping (407.1km) Ashiya

CO2 の除去率

Carbon Footprint (total)

0.72 kg-CO2e

Carbon Footprint (baseline)

9.35 kg-CO2e